The 10 Best JavaScript Minification Tools

AuthorLouise Richards

Who is this post written for?

  • Head of E-commerce, Head of Marketing or Head of Growth equivalent role: you likely have a team in-house but no dedicated SEO resource to check your JavaScript for SEO.
  • In-house SEO manager: you’re a bit limited by time and need some quick tools to minify your JavaScript.

JavaScript minification tools are used by an abundance of web developers to assist them with what would usually be an incredibly long, mundane and difficult task to do manually. JavaScript minification tools that are particularly enhanced for developers will improve their coding marginally. This includes deleting redundant spacing, deletion of white space comments and new line comments from the source code.

Does Minifying JavaScript improve performance?

JavaScript minification tools will reduce file sizes, thus improving web page performance as well as enhancing the code’s presentation. 

Our Top 10 JavaScript Minification Tools

1) JS Min

JS Minify screenshot

JS Min is a web-based tool for decreasing your JavaScript code to make it as lightweight as possible. It works by removing any unnecessary comments and whitespace from the JavaScript files efficiently. The file size will gradually reduce to around 50%, paving the way to rapid downloads. You also get a sudden boost of more communicative programming style as it removes the downloading price of fresh, literary self-documents.

2) YUI Compressor

YUI compressor screenshot javascript minification tools

YUI compressor is well-known to be a super quick command-line tool printed in Java and expanded by Yahoo. It can help you by minifying your JavaScript files safely and securely with an impressive elevated compression ratio. It also has capabilities to compress CSS files if you’re looking for that all-in-one solution; you can do this by using a port of Isaac Schlueter’s regular-expression-based CSS minifier. 

3) Dean Edwards Packer Javascript

Dean Edwards Packer javascript javascript minification tools for eCommerce websites

Packer is a well-known JavaScript minifying tool that creates a compacted version of your code manually. Simple to use, all the developer has to do is paste in the JavaScript and click on the Pack button for it to generate the code.

4) Google Closure Compiler

Google closure compiler javascript minification tools for eCommerce sites

You could also use Google Compiler as a minification tool for formulating the JavaScript to download and run incredibly quickly. Extra benefits of using this tool are that it verifies the syntax and changeable suggestions, and also notifies regarding JavaScript drawbacks. It is a real compiler from JavaScript towards a superior JavaScript. This tool collects your JavaScript, evaluates it, eradicates the redundant code and rewrites it. 

5) Dojo ShrinkSafe

Dojo Shrinksafe screenshot javascript minification tools for eCommerce sites

As Dojo will not amend a public variable, it signifies that the developer can dive into the compacted version of JavaScript into the pages without even modifying the code which applies it. The Dojo ShrinkSafe resolves the JavaScript and further munches the local variable names with the use of the rhino library. The size of your scripts can be shrunk down, thus relying on your program style. 

6) JS Compress

JS Compress javascript minification tools for eCommerce sites

JS Compress effortlessly minifies your JavaScript files by reducing file size by almost 30%-90%. In addition, it removes whitespace characters and comments. It improves overall script performance, making faster downloading times for your users and lessened bandwidth use of your website.

7) Ajax minify

ajaxmin javascript minification tools for eCommerce sites

AjaxminUi minimizes the individual JavaScript files in their nested folders. You can charge the minifier in the background, analyze the productivity of the minifier, and open up the productive folder when the minifier is finished.

8) JavaScript Minifier

javascript minifier

Javascript Minifier can minify your CSS sources and even reduce the data that is moved between the server and the client. JavaScript Minifier can do few good performance boosts such as cache optimization; combining JavaScript files by minifying; and supplying CSS files.

9) Digital Overload Tool

The Digital Overload tool is a JavaScript minifier that can smoothly minify your JavaScript files. This minifier can also provide unique, tactical and well-prepared solutions.

10) Gulp

Gulp-Minify screenshot javascript minification tools for eCommerce sites

The gulp-minify plugin minifies JS files resulting in the files being lighter. Gulp is a Node task runner and is a streaming build system in front-end web development. It helps automate such tasks as copying files, minifying JavaScript code, or compiling TypeScript to JavaScript.

Each of these tools have their own uniqueness in making minification easier. What’s really important is finding the one that works for you, and your website.

Want to learn more about Javascript tips with NOVOS? Head here: How To Check For eCommerce Javascript Issues In 15 Mins