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NOVOS X Vitabiotics Case Study







Digital PR

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Vitabiotics are the UK’s number one vitamin company, helping people to be at their best with easy-yet-effective nutritional support. With famous, market-leading brands including Pregnacare, Wellman, Wellwoman, Perfectil and Feroglobin, Vitabiotics gives everyone the benefit of good nutritional science, whatever their age and lifestyle. 

The challenge.

  • Vitabiotics were heavily dependent on branded traffic, focusing on brand-specific pages and optimisation.
  • Due to the industry that Vitabiotics work in, there are strict guidelines around the language used and type of content that can be written, or our DPR team could outreach 
  • Competing with big businesses such as Boots and Holland & Barrett that have a larger backlink profile and sell a wide variety of brands (including Vitabiotics products)

Our strategy.

The SEO team conducted detailed keyword analysis to identify the key categories we should focus on for growth. Both the Digital PR team and SEO team then worked together to boost the optimisation of these categories and build links to them. The following tactics were used by our teams: 


  • Always on digital PR tactics, which included looking at unlinked brand mentions and approaching these websites to turn brand mentions into links. 
  • Link intersect analysis, where we identify publications that have featured competitors but not Vitabiotics and outreach with relevant content.
  • Proactive and reactive campaigns around seasonal trends, news and events. 
  • Created new collections on the website to better meet the intent of non-brand searchers, and optimised these accordingly.
  • Created helpful, optimised on page content for our collections, as well as adding new on page enhancements such as FAQs.
  • Improved internal linking with attribute links on our PDPs and updated navigation linking.
  • Created new blog content targeting long-tail queries related to our priority categories, whilst improving existing blog content and cleaning up old, overlapping or duplicate content.

The results

In the past 12 months we have achieved:


  • 92 pieces of coverage


  • 206% of the annual KPI reached.

  • 68.9 avg. Domain Rating


  • 82% of links point to target PLPs

We have also driven strong improvements for website performance over the last 12 months:

  • The proportion of searches coming from non-brand queries has almost doubled
  • YOY, total organic UK traffic and revenue are up ~60%
  • YOY, non-brand organic UK traffic and revenue are up ~170%
  • From Jan – Dec 2023, total keyword rankings have increased +50%
  • From Jan – Dec 2023, page 1 rankings (positions 1-10 + SERP features) have increased +280%

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