Q4 2024 Organic Growth in the Footwear Industry Report

AuthorAntonio Wedral

It’s been a tough couple of years for eCommerce brands and that’s no secret – the ups & downs have made it really hard to not only forecast & predict, but also compare performance against your own past performance & competitors’.

That’s why we analyse the performance of different industries across eCommerce so we can stay up to date for our clients.

In the report, we’ve taken a dive into analysing the footwear industry. The reason for this was that we stumbled across data which showed footwear growth increasing over the last couple of months well above fashion as a whole. 

Industry Performance

The first area we’ve looked at is overall performance of the footwear industry. Our analysis using different data points shows that in the last 2 months, footwear has tracked over 5% higher than other respective fashion-related industries for revenue & orders. Traffic however, is relatively comparable to other niches. 

In the mini report, you can see that revenue increases however traffic is relatively the same, showing that conversion intent has been higher for the industry over the last couple of months. 

Competitor Landscape

Using a third party SEO tool, we were able to analyse big movers and/or brands that are currently playing a big role in the relevant SERPs. The brands flagged to us include:

  • Vivobarefoot
  • Birkenstock
  • Purestep
  • Pavers
  • Shoezone
  • On Running
  • Begg Shoes
  • New Balance
  • Schuh
  • Happy Little Soles
  • Start-Rite shoes

 And more!

We’ve been able to collate the quantity of keywords they comparatively rank for in the UK, and we have been able to do this with brands outside of this list also.

You can view the top-level competitor comparison in the report, or get in touch with us if you’d like one specifically done for your brand.

Trending Topics

We have further analysed topics & keywords currently trending that may not be visible using SEO-specific tools. 

In the report we dive into the specific numbers, but examples of terms & topics include barefoot shoes, moc toe, wide toe shoes, everyday shoes & more. We can see the trending line and it offers an opportunity for your brand to tailor its content & pages to any of these trending topics so you can capture the demand.

Finally, the only thing in it for you is we’d love to show you an example at the end of work we’ve done with a footwear brand and how you can reduce your reliance on paid!

Download Your Free Footwear Industry Report!