Examples of good SEO WooCommerce sites


If you want to know the capacities within WooCommerce to optimise your eCommerce store for SEO, we have put together examples of Good WooCommerce sites, with features customised for good SEO. In each case, we point out just a few of these features to give you a taste of how customisable and flexible WooCommerce is.

1. A Good Movie To Watch

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The first website on our list is not quite an eCommerce site; however, it’s use of WordPress puts it on the map. The site is a purely content driven website that uses advertising as it’s a source of income. This site is a Movie review and recommendations platform. It cleverly organises into user-friendly categories such as “Most Popular,” “Best Films,” and “Genre”.

Once within a landing page, this site uses attribute linking to build a network of internal links, as well as external links to a website which you can stream the film within.

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This website enables you to create an account updating and monitoring the list of films you wish to watch. Also once within a landing page agoodmovietowatch allows you to post a review in their site. User-generated content, such as reviews is a new trend in e-commerce sites, with reviews boosting the freshness of the page and often aiding conversion rates. Reviews help CRO as potential customers/audience are more likely to listen to and trust past customers reviews than the website’s/seller’s opinion or sales pitch.

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2. Querohms

Another great site we wish to deep dive is Querohms. This is a handmade shoe store which we want to walk you through a few key features that will demonstrate the utility of WooCommerce.

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Attribute filter 

Within the Category listing page to the side, there is a user-friendly filter option filtering into colour, size and style. A filter page like this allows the site to start ranking for more specific keywords such as black boots instead of boots alone. However, the one thing we would add to this page is an updating H1, so each time a filter is applied the H1 changes to represent that. Making this small change would send a more reliable signal to Google that this page is full of black boots as opposed to boots in general.

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Like in ‘A Good Movie to watch’, this site uses reviews to significant effect, Helping potential customer see past clients past experiences with the product.

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3. Over Clothing

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Other exciting features that show the customisability of WooCommerce at Over Clothing is the hidden foldout footer menu along with a scrolling arrow which changes to an image magnifying CTA.

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4. Adoboloc

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The final example of a WooCommerce website is Adoboloc. One attribute they include within the storefront is the breadcrumbs. These breadcrumbs are great for internal linking and help build in a structure that allows users and Google to understand the architecture of your site. 

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This Ecommerce website also makes good use of a blog to promote their products. Internal links are built throughout blog/recipe pages to sales pages. This site cleverly does this by linking through from the ingredients with many of their recipes. 

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This method of writing blogs and linking back to commercial pages is a great way to rank for related long-tail keywords and transfer SEO ranking to critical pages and drive traffic to product pages.  

If you’re curious about creating your WooCommerce site and would like to know the limitations of WooCommerce for SEO, read our guide to the limitations of SEO within WooCommerce now.